08.02. ㆍㆍ Ministry of Education of the National University and Graduate School’s approval of new quota for 2013 academic year of 30 students
08.08. ㆍㆍ Foundation of the Department of Sustainable Urban Development (9 Students) and Department of
Global Construction Management (30 Students) of the International School of Urban Sciences
03.04. ㆍㆍ Entrance Ceremony of 2013
08.22. ㆍㆍ Inauguration of Dr. MAN-HEE HAN as the 1st Dean of International School of Urban Sciences
01.24. ㆍㆍ Started supporting overseas construction consultation at the International Urban Development Cooperation Center(or IUC), LH
02.14.ㆍㆍ MOU signed with K-Water
03.03. ㆍㆍ Entrance Ceremony of 2014
05.15. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with KEC (Korea Expressway Corporation)
05.16.ㆍㆍ Selected as the host institution of the Premier Global Construction Training program by MOLIT/KAIA
05.29.ㆍㆍ Global Urban Development & Infrastructure Center launched
10.17. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with KR (Korea Rail Network Authority)
10.17. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with KAB (Korea Appraisal Board)
04.20. ㆍㆍ Selected as the host institution of MGLEP by MOE/KEITI
06.10. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with Hyundai Construction Company
06.03. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with MOLEG (Ministry of Government Legislation)
06.23. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with KEI (Korea Environment Institute)
07.21. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with NIA (National Information Society Agency)
02.28. ㆍㆍ Selected as the host institution of MIPD by ICAK
09.01. ㆍㆍ Inauguration of Dr. Hyeon PARK as the 2nd Dean of International School of Urban Sciences
02.18. ㆍㆍ Selected as the host institution of MURD by KOICA
05.29. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with Seoul Metro
11.01. ㆍㆍ Re-selected as the host institution of MGLEP by MOE/KEITI
11.19. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with Korea Territorial Development Museum
06.25. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with Korea Engineering Consultants Corporation
06.30. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with ISUS UOS - KDISchool - KAIST ITTP - K-water HRD Institute - UNESCO i-WSSM
10.27. ㆍㆍ MOU signed with KIRA (Korea Institute of Registered Architects)