This regulations aim to provide necessary guidance to help to create a sound environment for the study of participants under the ISUS(International School of Urban Sicences. The participants are entitled to be provided with adequate support as students of the University, and bear the corresponding responsibilities.
Participants are required:
To abide by the rules of the academic institution
To take up the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered (deferral is not allowed)
To reside in the accommodation designated by UOS for the duration of the course except for holidays or temporary leave
To maintain an appropriate study load and achieve satisfactory academic progress for the course. If the participant fails to attain certain grades required by UOS, his or her status as a MGLEP program participant may be suspended
To participate in all activities associated with the approved course of study including all lectures and tutorials, submit all work required for the course and sit for examinations unless approved otherwise by UOS in advance
To advise UOS of any personal or family circumstances such as health problems or family problems which may seriously affect their study
To refrain from engaging in political activities or any form of employment for profit or gain.
To agree to KEITI collecting information concerning them and passing that information onto other relevant parties, if necessary
To return to their home country upon completion of the program
Not to extend the length of the program or stay for personal convenience; neither KEITI nor UOS will provide any assistance and be responsible for an extension of their stay
To either return to their original job post or remain employed in a field related to their degree for at least 2 years.
If the participants break any of the rules of either KEITI or UOS during their stay in Korea, their status as MGLEP program participant may be suspended or terminated.
UOS may cancel the admission if a participant fails to take a medical check-up.
In principle, a participant is not allowed to withdraw from the course at his or her own option once the course starts.
A participant may withdraw with valid personal or other pressing issues from one’s home country (such as health or work issues) when acceptable to KEITI-UOS.
If a participant fails to attain certain grades required by UOS, he or she may be forced to withdraw and return home upon withdrawal.
The participant who withdraws must return to UOS the living allowance he or she has already received for the remaining period from the date of departure from Korea.
In principle, participants are not allowed to take temporary leave during semester. In case of special circumstances e.g. his/her own marriage, death of family, participants can take temporary leave after they notify the university in advance. They should notify the Program Chair and the UOS office prior to the departure by submitting the “Request for a temporary leave” document. The e-ticket should also be submitted when issued.
Those who want to take temporary leave during breaks should notify the Program Chair and the UOS office at least two weeks prior to the departure by submitting the “Request for a temporary leave” document and round trip e-ticket.
In case of traveling to other countries, they are additionally required to submit a traveler’s insurance for the travel period.
KEITI and UOS do not pay airfare for the trip. KEITI will not pay the living allowance for the absent days including departure date and arrival date.
For the absent days, KRW33,300/day will be deducted from the full amount of monthly allowance(KRW999,000).
All expenses incurred for participant’s temporary leave should be covered by the participant, not by the KEITI and the University of Seoul
If the participant is found to have made an unreported temporary visit to his or her home country or traveled to other countries or made a trip without university’s approval, his or her living allowance will be suspended (from the day of departure to the day of return), and UOS may impose a disciplinary action on them, including expulsion from UOS
As MGLEP Program is quite an intensive program which requires students of full commitment to and concentrated endeavors for study, participants should not accompany any family members during the study period.
Participants may invite family members within a month to the fullest, only during the semester break. However, they must be able to cover all the relevant expenses such as airfare, accommodation, living cost, visa fee, insurance, etc. of their family as well as be responsible for any administrative procedures required
UOS or KEITI is not responsible for issuing any invitation letter regarding this matter.
KEITI -UOS will assume responsibility only within the limit and scope of the insurance for participants.
KEITI -UOS is not liable for any damage or loss of participant’s personal property.
KEITI -UOS will not assume any responsibility for illness, injury, or death of the participant arising from extracurricular activities, willful misconduct, or undisclosed pre-existing medical conditions.
Participants are advised not to purchase or own personal vehicles due to safety concerns and concentration on their studies.
Failure to obey the safety regulations and violation of the law will be immediately lead to dismissal of the program and evacuation from Korea. Dismissed student’s country will not be considered for the next MGLEP recruitment.
Graduates are requested to cooperate in the research on performance management, such as how they have been implementing the contents they’ve learned or presentations.