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Shin Lee 

Ph.D / Dean of ISUS, University of Seoul

International School of Urban Sciences (ISUS) was established at the University of Seoul (UOS) in 2012 with the aim to contribute to the sustainable development of global urban communities. Its education covers diverse fields of urban sciences including urban planning, infrastructure development, construction and environmental management.

ISUS offers two Master’s programs for Korean students: global construction management

and sustainable urban development. It also hosts four full-scholarship Master’s programs for overseas students in cooperation with partner organizations: Master of Urban Administration and Planning (MUAP) in collaboration with Seoul Metropolitan Government, Master of Urban Development (MUD) with Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Master's program for Future Global Leaders in Environmental Policy (MGLEP) with the Ministry of Environment, and Master of Infrastructure Planning and Development (MIPD) with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. These funded programs have common aims of providing international professionals with specialized skills required for leading the sustainable development of their home countries.

Having transformed from one of the aid-receiving countries to a donor country over half a century, Korea is increasingly looked to as a source of lesson-learning by various countries.

In response, ISUS is committed to sharing its unique and relatively recent development

experience with the rest of the world and intends to be a platform for just doing that. We strive to construct a system of experiential knowledge Korea has accumulated during its compact development process while equipping our students with theoretical and practical knowledge that can reinforce their professionalism they bring with them. On this global knowledge exchange platform, program participants will also gain a global and cross -disciplinary perspective through mutual learning.

Join us and develop your abilities of pioneering and leading the new age of urban development.

Thank you.


©2023 University of Seoul, Internationl School Urban Sciences

T. +82-2-6490-5159
F. +82-2-6490-5141
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