Master's program for future Global Leaders
in Environmental Policy
As a KEITI ODA business, MGLEP program provides opportunities to government officials from developing countries to improve their capacity for developing environmental policies and for leading sustainable development and environmental management in their home countries.

Who Supports MGLEP?
The Master’s Program for Future Global Leaders in Environmental Policy (MGLEP) funded by the Ministry of Environment of Korea (KME) is designed to support Graduate Studies Program for government officials working in environment or related fields in Korea’s partnering countries

ㆍTo provide future leaders of our partner countries with an opportunity to study environmental policy and related fields at a prestigious Korean university
ㆍTo enhance program participants’ knowledge and experiences in the field of environmental policy and sustainable development
ㆍTo improve program participants’ capacity to develop and manage public policies for sustainable development
ㆍTo provide program participants with opportunities to develop cooperative relationships and personal networks with scholars, professionals, and government officials from Korea and other countries.